He Ain’t Heavy…

A few months ago I saw this beautiful photo on Facebook, posted by The SanWild Rhino Sanctuary. I asked them the story behind the photo, and if I could share it with my readers. I knew the next time we went on holiday this would be my mid-week post.

expat life Pretoria South Africa travel rhino conservation
A rhinoceros jogging behind a bicycle? I had to find out more! This photo copyright (c) 2013. SanWild Rhino Sanctuary

Please enjoy this beautiful photos, read the story below, and check out the website of The SanWild Rhino Sanctuary, or follow them on Facebook.  Better still, join the fight and become a member, sponsoring at Bronze, Silver or Gold level.

Love, Marla

From The SanWild Rhino Sanctuary:

This young rhino’s mother was slaughtered by poachers in one of the national parks in SA.

expat life Pretoria South Africa travel rhino conservation
This photo copyright (c) 2013. SanWild Rhino Sanctuary

He remained by his mother’s side until a helicopter of the parks circled overhead and guided rangers to the body of his slain mother. It happened just before sundown. This new activity scared the little rhino and he fled. The rangers could not find him that night and the search had to wait until the next morning when he was located badly injured and bleeding.

Spotted hyenas bit him quite badly and tore off his tail, but our little rhino fought for his life.

expat life Pretoria South Africa travel rhino conservation
This photo copyright (c) 2013. SanWild Rhino Sanctuary

His face and lips were also bit badly, but he continued to fight back. Around midday he was finally found by rangers, captured and taken into the safety of an enclosed area. The stress of the past 48 hours was simply too much and that afternoon the baby rhino collapsed and almost died.

expat life Pretoria South Africa travel rhino conservation
This photo copyright (c) 2013. SanWild Rhino Sanctuary

Fortunately help was not far away and a rhino emergency response team stabilized and transported him to SanWild. For the next couple of days it was touch and go, but Boy survived and formed a strong bond with John (a volunteer) who helped raised him and Jeffery; one of our workers.

expat life Pretoria South Africa travel rhino conservation
This photo copyright (c) 2013. SanWild Rhino Sanctuary
expat life Pretoria South Africa travel rhino conservation
This photo copyright (c) 2013. SanWild Rhino Sanctuary
expat life Pretoria South Africa travel rhino conservation
This photo copyright (c) 2013. SanWild Rhino Sanctuary

When he was ready to be returned to the wild he use to follow Jeffery around on all his daily duties in the reserve and loved the long outrides on bicycle to check pumps, perimeter fences and so forth.

He eventually joined up with other rhinos in the reserve.

Once more, friends, if you enjoyed today’s post as much as I do, please check out the website of The SanWild Rhino Sanctuary, or follow them on Facebook.  Better still, join the fight and become a member, sponsoring at Bronze, Silver or Gold level.

4 thoughts on “He Ain’t Heavy…

  1. Wow! Such amazing work the people at the sanctuary are doing! I love that you took the time to find out more and shared it. Thanks.

  2. Maybe an “eye of the beholder” kind of thing, but those rhinos are beautiful animals; and the little ones are just too cute!

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