A Coshocton Photo Blog from Baxter the Dog

Baxter says I can share some of his favorite Coshocton photos for today’s blog. I wish you could hear him the way I do. I hear his voice as a cross between Patrick the starfish from Spongebob, and Droopy the Dog; in other words the oafy quality of Patrick, but the wise and exhausted tone of Droopy.

dog friendly places Coshocton Ohio Baxter blog
Baxter at the Roscoe Village Visitor Center.

dog friendly places Coshocton Ohio Baxter blog
Baxter and Mommy playing in the leaves on an autumn walk in Coshocton.


dog friendly places Coshocton Ohio Baxter blog
Baxter loves the off-leash dog park but his mommy wishes more mommies and daddies would pick up poop. She thinks owners should always carry their own bags in case the park is out of them.


dog friendly places Coshocton Ohio Baxter blog
Baxter meets Elaine, an historical character actor in Roscoe Village. We love dog-friendly people!


dog friendly places Coshocton Ohio Baxter blog
We went on a long walk one day from Chestnut Street to Buehler’s and back, and Baxter said he wanted to check this out. It seems to be a mill wheel, but the plaque isn’t about a mill wheel. Do you know why a mill wheel sits atop a plaque about the Delaware Nation? Hopefully some Coshoctonite will enlighten Baxter, because he was really curious.



dog friendly places Coshocton Ohio Baxter blog
Here is a close-up of the plaque about this being the site of the Delaware Nation council house but I’m guessing they didn’t have a mill wheel?


dog friendly places Coshocton Ohio Baxter blog
Along the tow path at Lake Park, Baxter found a spot to check out a canal lock.


dog friendly places Coshocton Ohio Baxter blog
A long walk and playing in the leaves find both Baxter and Daddy very tired at Lake Park.


dog friendly places Coshocton Ohio Baxter blog
The best part of any place we go is Baxter spending time with Daddy, even if it means taking over my spot in bed when I get up.


Love, Marla and Baxter

P.S. Finally on myfitnesspal, so you’re welcome to join me there. My username is marlasinkdruzgal. My new trainer is right about my not eating enough. I was near 1000 calories under yesterday. I guess I have to start convincing my body it’s hungry more. In the meantime yesterday was cardio day but I snuck in a bit of ab work also. Heading back to Pennsylvania soon and going to do a nice long weight training session at the new gym.


3 thoughts on “A Coshocton Photo Blog from Baxter the Dog

  1. The gristmill stone is probably just symbolic of how the native American culture was “ground” under the wheel of our modern civilization! 😉
    BTW…if I show Lily these pics, she’s gonna want to know why Baxter can go to all these wonderful places, but can’t find the time for a “cousin” playdate !!

  2. Awww! =D Baxter’s a cutie. We’re actually having our very first guest for dinner tonight, and he’s bringing his black lab! I think I’m more excited to meet the pup than the dinner, though the dinner will be nice. Harrr…Oh, also, the Spooks were a little put off by your photo montage here. Something about filthbags not making good models, but you know, they’re very biased.

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