A Coshocton Photo Blog from Baxter the Dog

Baxter says I can share some of his favorite Coshocton photos for today’s blog. I wish you could hear him the way I do. I hear his voice as a cross between Patrick the starfish from Spongebob, and Droopy the Dog; in other words the oafy quality of Patrick, but the wise and exhausted tone … More A Coshocton Photo Blog from Baxter the Dog

Win a Jar of Apple Butter: Stick Your Head in Something!

I will stick my head in anything. Okay, maybe that’s a little bit of a yarn, but I really do love those plywood cutouts with a silly scene just begging passersby to insert their noggins. So as you can imagine I was ecstatic to pose, Marla Appleseed style. Kurt was, well, a little less than … More Win a Jar of Apple Butter: Stick Your Head in Something!