The Worst “Raven” Knock-Off You Will Ever Read. It’s Manipulate MarLa Monday!

This time I asked my Facebook readers to give me phrases and words for a horror-themed post. I had a feeling it would be campy. Words and phrases given to me are in red. My apologies to Poe… Corn Candy Once before a Frankenstormy, while I wandered Wal-Mart storey, over many flashlights, batteries, and emptied … More The Worst “Raven” Knock-Off You Will Ever Read. It’s Manipulate MarLa Monday!

Overture: a blog from my brother regarding elderberries.

I received an email from my brother with the subject line of “Overture.” It was written entirely in verse, and I could not resist making it today’s blog. I’d like to say this writing ability runs in our family, but after reading “Overture” I believe my brother has all the talent and I have just … More Overture: a blog from my brother regarding elderberries.