Do You Think it Takes a Village?

Have you ever received one of my quirky, homemade cards?  They are usually some geeky little quip with a photo from somewhere interesting in the world, and there are little recipes enclosed—food we’ve loved on our travels or living overseas. (A few endorsements at the end of this post.)

I’ve just created a bunch more just for this cool fundraiser, and I could really use your help…

Mamle Kabu is an author from Ghana, and we’re raising funds to bring her to an important writers conference in Philadelphia. She wrote a YA novel that was previously published in Ghana, which has been revised and is being introduced to the U.S. market this year by no less than Little, Brown & Company, Books for Young Readers!!

Mamle has been nominated for a Caine Prize in the past, been a writer in residence at City of Asylum, and has several stories published in other anthologies. This conference gives her the opportunity to network with a wide variety of writing programs in the U.S. This is important, because having her book taught in YA literature courses and writing courses at universities is one of the goals. There are not a lot of YA books from Africans still living in Africa, and getting both the author and her work in front of as many of these university contacts at the conference as possible, is key!

Please give $10 and I’ll send you one of my quirky, homemade cards with some recipes from our travels. Of course there are other perks, and they are really cool. If you would like to sponsor at a higher level there are also perks for that. But if you can give at least $10 and select “Pen Pal Deluxe” I’ll send you a thank you, and one of my geeky, fun cards! You can have them sent to a loved one instead, and for ANY occasion!

Please also share this campaign. If you believe, as I do, that it really does take a village to make good things happen, then please be part of my village. Sometimes our village is a small group of online readers and writers who decide to make a difference, ten bucks at a time.


Love, MarLa

Endorsements for MarLa’s cards:

“I love getting Marla’s special cards in the mail! They’re always fun, unique cards. The recipes are a fun bonus! Tasty recipes are new things to try that I’d never think to make. We’re always excited to see mail from Marla in the mailbox.” – Brianna Parks, Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, USA

“I absolutely love receiving birthday cards from Traveling MarLa.  Not only do I enjoy the old lady humor that I don’t quite fully grasp, but I learn so much about exotic species of animals and various parts of the world, complete with maps drawn by Marla.  She includes beautiful photos, personal accounts, and mouthwatering recipes.  In one card, I received an outstanding original recipe for a buffalo chicken ranch dip that tastes amazing and is perfect for any Super Bowl party, bris ceremony, funeral, Tuesday evening while crying alone with your cats, while riding on the bus, worshipping the dark lord, taking to your mother-in-law’s, a cookout, and it even re-heats well!”-Satisfied And Thankful Anonymous Nobleman, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

“To be honest, I’m never sure Marla’s cards will reach me, because our mail here is a bit sketchy. When they do arrive it often finds me at a stressful place in life, and her grade five attempts at humor give me a good laugh. Her recipes can be a bit annoying, because she often forgets to convert measurements (Americans, amIrrrright?) but I do my best, and they are usually lekker (that means good.) This time I got “Buddhist Soup.” What even is “Buddhist Soup”? Well let me tell you it’s delicious, and there are not actually any Buddhists harmed in the making of the soup. I’m not sure Marla publicly claims our friendship, so I’m just going to post this anonymously, and go back to my wildlife in the bush…if that’s enough of a hint.” –Pangolin Wrangler, Kruger National Park, South Africa

Well, there you have it, friends. If those endorsements don’t make you want to chuck $10 at the campaign, I just don’t know what will.