Butt-Sniffing Giraffe

Well how else was I supposed to get your attention today? Let’s face it…Thursday is that day where we all struggle to keep our faces off the desk and wonder why Friday can’t arrive any faster.

But I wasn’t lying about the butt-sniffing giraffe, or at least, my warped view of the encounter.

expat life Pretoria South Africa travel Kruger National Park
So sweet. Until…

I was so excited to snap these two in what seemed to be a beautiful moment. They had just touched heads and I grabbed the camera as their necks glided past each other.

Until giraffe number two’s neck kept gliding, with giraffe number one stared at me as if to say “Privacy, please!”

expat life Pretoria South Africa travel Kruger National Park
“Pardon me” exclaims giraffe number one to the camera, “but this is a private affair.”

A good, serious whiff.

expat life Pretoria South Africa travel Kruger National Park

The verdict?

Well, I think we can tell from the facial expression afterward. Or can we?

expat life Pretoria South Africa travel Kruger National Park
The verdict? Could go either way. Is that a look of ecstasy, or agony?

One more day til the weekend, folks. Hoped this help get your head off the desk, if only for a little while.

Love, Marla

6 thoughts on “Butt-Sniffing Giraffe

  1. They all look alike – maybe they are just identifying each other like dogs do? Have we met? I’m not sure – take a whif. Oh yes, we met last week at the waterbuffalo hole.

  2. “Hey, I thought the acacia was supposed to be GREENER on the other side!?!”

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