I Had to Sign a Menstruation Waiver

“Kindly note females are at risk whilst menstruating…”

I’ll be honest, I hadn’t even read the waiver I was signing before going on a walk with a cheetah at the Lion Park, until they pointed out where I needed to add my initials. Like most release from liability forms here in South Africa, it’s generally standard fare, acknowledging I might die by wild animal, and can’t sue.

It’s one of the most refreshing things about South Africa, actually. I’ve come to appreciate that while some of my choices may be deemed risky, I acknowledge them, go in with awareness, and most importantly, have the choice, the freedom to take that risk.

expat life Pretoria
I signed, and initialed, and chuckled at the memory of my shark jokes.

But a menstruation clause on the waiver definitely caught my attention. It was a good point. I always made jokes when we went to the ocean about sharks attacking women having their periods, and eventually someone with similarly sick humor also came up with that joke, as evidenced by the commercial below.

I signed the waiver, and although it was not a day I would have needed to worry, I had a moment’s pause, wondering whether my underboob sweat might be too alluring. Thankfully, I was not eaten by a cheetah, mauled by a lion, or otherwise molested by any other animal.

Enjoy the video (warning: fake, graphic humor).

Love, Marla

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