Bottled Flatulence of Literary Elitism and the Cannibalistic Marla-Cow (Manuscript Monday!)

Before I dig into these next couple weeks of bringing you giveaways and posts singing the praises of the annual AWP conference, I have to tell you that finding energy and inspiration from the AWP conference of 12,000+ attendees doesn’t come without navigating my way through a lot of chest-puffing, harumphing, and that bottled flatulence … More Bottled Flatulence of Literary Elitism and the Cannibalistic Marla-Cow (Manuscript Monday!)

Manuscript Monday: When, Not “If”

Long story short (really, it might be possible for me today) I received some great input on my manuscript this weekend at the Southern California Writer’s Conference. An agent I absolutely adore and met at last year’s conference has requested to read the full manuscript. We even had lunch after our one-on-one meeting to discuss … More Manuscript Monday: When, Not “If”