“It’s a good thing you’re already married…”

This was my husband’s reply, trailing off in a fit of laughter, after I told him of my morning encounter. I went through the list of characters I’ve met in the last few days of watching the Madison-Milton Bridge Project on the Ohio River. I try my best to give a character sketch and, more … More “It’s a good thing you’re already married…”

Murder and Compassion. Am I rising above, or failing the victims?

I will probably be disgusted with myself for this post longer than you can hate me for typing it, for thinking it, for sharing it. But these murders so close to where we grew up have left us all sick, or confused, or angry, or hateful, vengeful, feeling everything and nothing, and knotted at each … More Murder and Compassion. Am I rising above, or failing the victims?

My American Family: A Tribute to my Grandparents

I came home to Pennsylvania yesterday for my gram’s memorial service. Elizabeth Mae (Murphy) Sink was my last living ancestor, preceded by my other three grandparents and my parents. She hated that I referred to her as my ancestor, an anecdote I related in my own shared time about her at the service. Our family … More My American Family: A Tribute to my Grandparents

Traveling with Mom and Dad in Viet Nam

Ashes of my late mother and father rest in a sealed locket around my neck. Each of their children and grandchildren has a locket. Some don’t wear it. Others, like me, wear it only when traveling to places my mom or dad never went. Mine is a butterfly, now a little worn and scuffed. It … More Traveling with Mom and Dad in Viet Nam

The naming of things and Kings, the implying of isms, dull whiteness and other non-related ruminations.

I’m bundled on the couch, down from this flu again, and I thought I would drag out some more of my genealogical research. Today, since I couldn’t go visit Gram, who is in a nursing home and not well lately, I thought I would work on the documents I’ve accumulated in her family tree. I … More The naming of things and Kings, the implying of isms, dull whiteness and other non-related ruminations.