Traveling Marla is in Paris. Sorry France.

Only a short stop in Paris to hit a few highlights and watch fireworks for Bastille Day tomorrow night. Caught the red eye here last night and zombie’d our way through a tour of Versailles, a walk around the neighborhood where we’re staying, and a lame attempt at ordering lunch in French.

Kurt was excited to finally order croissants in a French-sounding way, from a French bakery, and even managed to suppress his desire to say “oui! oui!” in the same overly-accented manner he does at home. However, he has been entertaining me with his “sneaky ouis”, whispering them to me every time the urge hits him.

travel France Eiffel Tower
Watching the sunset reflecting in clouds behind the Eiffel Tower

Here’s a view of the Eiffel Tower from our balcony at the Radisson Blu le Metropolitan. We chose it so we can enjoy the Bastille Day fireworks without the stress of navigating crowds. We’ll see how that goes…

Vive la France!

Love, Marla

6 thoughts on “Traveling Marla is in Paris. Sorry France.

  1. You guys are so blessed! Hoping to see Kurt back to work so he can get some real rest.

  2. Gorgeous view! Glad you are having a wonderful trip. Missed all of your activity while I was in L.A. to visit Ernest on his first birthday or weren’t there any posts with your busy vacation?

  3. So, so happy you are enjoying some of the return trip. Was so very happy to see you guys for thw short time you were “home”, but now I think I miss you guys even more!
    Love you sis! Fairfarren!

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