The Real Housewives of Washington County (Illumination Weekly Photo Challenge)


You’ll also never see this in Country Living Magazine.

Have a great weekend, friends!

Love, Marla

P.S. yesterday’s fitness: cardio warmup then weights with Trainer. I guess I don’t need to tell you what I did for today’s fitness, and I am not going to explain what happened to my pants.


18 thoughts on “The Real Housewives of Washington County (Illumination Weekly Photo Challenge)

        1. Okay, I edited my post and put it in there. So is THAT what I am supposed to do with those photo challenges? I am so slow to pick up on the WordPress stuff. I’m lucky I remember to tag and pick a featured image. In fact I think I didn’t have any of that in my early posts.

    1. Thankfully they can’t see our house through the trees (most of the time). I do think they sneak peeks from time to time at the weirdos on the hill. 😉

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